April 27th, 2009
The Young People�s Society of Christian Endeavor (YPSCE) meet in the Union Church on Monday evening last and elected the following officers for the term of six months: George Shannon, president; William A. Nicely, vice president; Minnie Ficks, recording secretary; Richard W. Mottern, corresponding secretary; and Clemmie Heilman, treasurer. The society has been organized for nearly two years and is constantly growing in interest and numbres. The roll of membership at the present time is about one hundred and fifty, and still there is room for more to come and help us in the good work. The members contribute according to their means twice a month for Beneficiary Education. There are two of our members now studying for the ministry, and in this way we help them along. The meetings are held in the Union Church every Monday evening, beginning at 7 o�clock and closing at 8.
Last Modified: 04.27.09
June 19th, 2013 at 2:22 am
I found an invitqtion to a Y.P.S.C.E. meeting in an old book of my grandmother’s dated 1890–do you know if there was a society in either Wisconsin, specifically Wausau, in that time period or in Iowa in the early 1900’s? Where could I get this information? Thank you for your time.
Comment by James Robison: The first Y.P.S.C.E. was formed in 1881 in Portland, ME by Francis E. Clark and grew rapidly across the country and around the world. The odds of societies existing in Wausau, WI or in IA are most likely. The organization is still active and its headquarters are located in Columbus, OH. You could probably get more information there.
April 3rd, 2017 at 6:05 pm
I found a silk book marker in a Parallel Bible from 1885. It has Harrah Galva Y.P.S.C.E