July 5th, 2010
Because there are few records that have survived from the days of the Watsontown High School, only those who have served as faculty in the high school since 1959 are included. The years given for each faculty member is the year of the graduating class inwhich the faculty member would have begun teaching – thus they would have begun the previous fall (i.e. the first year in the new building was the graduating class of 1959, but the students and faculty began in the fall of 1958). The subject matter taught follows the name of the faculty member and is italicized. Teachers that are still currently employed by the school distract are also bolded.
Daniel J. Klementik, Latin/English 1963-65 died while employed at Warrior Run
Frank J. Andel English 1970-1976 (killed in train accident)
Joyce A. Acker English 1966-?; 1972-1976; 1978-1984; 1986-1997
Ronald L. Acker Science 1966-1976; 1978-1984; 1986-1997
Gregory H. Alico Music/Band 1995-present
Frank J. Andel English 1970-1976 (killed in train accident)
Frances E. Appleman Nurse 1990-2000; 2002-2003
William E. Arntz Music/Band 1981-1985
Margo C. Aurand Home Economics 1984
David L. Bair Special Education 1976-1985
William H. Baumer Guidance 1965-1984
Loretta G. Bachman Business 1998-present
Joyce R. Beaver Math 1997-present
Larry E. Beaver Math 1981-present
Ann C. Beckley Health/Physical Education 1988-1989
Marna L. Benion English 1966-1969
Hulda C. Berkenstock Math 1959-1968
Douglas G. Bertanzetti Art 1997-2008
Mary T. Biddle English 2002
Carl D. Bieber History 1964-1967
Terry L. Bieber History 1980-1985; 1987
Dale R. Bittenbender Math 1966-1967
B. Lanore Bobb Nurse 1959-1979
Bernadette U. Boerckel English 2003-2009
Lee E. Bohner Physical Education 1959-1963
W. Gary Boom English 1959-1962
Gail M. Bowen Physical Education 1964
Carl R. Bower English 1971-2007
Frances S. Bower Science 1959-1965; 1968; 1977-1985; 1987-1991
Paul W. Brann Math 1963-1964
Mark A. Bricker History 1969
Carol Bross Home Economics 1968-1969
Jenna K. Brown 2006
David Mark Budd Drafting 1974-present
James T. Bullock Science 1967-1980; 1982
Toni A. Burke French 2000-2005
Terry L. Burns Chemistry 1975-present
Dale E. Burrell History 1962-1969
Nathan M. Butler Health/Physical Education 2009-present
Rev. C. Douglas Caffey Math 1959-1962
Neoska C. Campbell Math 1959-1969
Frank A. Casale Spanish/English 1960
Nicholas A. Casale Reading 1966-1969
David G. Caslow History 1969; 1972
Robert V. Chaapel, Jr. Math 1975-1980
Sharon K. Chamberlin English 1988
Joanne M. Chiavaroli 1979-1980
Robert J. Coates Math 1965
Eileen Barth Cole Guidance 1973-1996
John R. Colwell Industrial Arts 1959-1964
Dennis D. Clinton English 1967
Carolyn E. Confer English 1965
Richard L.J. Connolley English 1960-1961
Samuel E. Cooper English 1960-1972
John E. Corman History 1959-1999
Alfred B. Cornish History/Science 1959-1960
Ann M. Corson History 1973-1994
William E. Corson History 1960-1962; 1967-1994
James H. Cotner Science 1959-1969
Wesley S. Cotner, Jr. Math 1990-1991
LaCinda B. Coup Special Education 2005-2006
William C. Cutter Music/Chorus 1979-1982
Lindsay M. Dalrymple English 2004-present
Gail V. Deans English 1973-present
Joseph F. DeGregorio Math 1969-1971
Cynthia G. Del Gotto Special Education 1995-present
Elizabeth H. Dennen English 1967-1993
Ronald E. Derk English 1968
Ronald O. Doan Librarian 1970-1981
Barbara R. Dodson Business Education 1973-1997
Ross S. Dopp Physical Education/Driver Education 1963-2004
Thera J. Dreese Math 2008-2009
Corey M. Dufrene Math 2008-present
Kaitlin L. Eck Guidance 2009-present
Gary W. Egli Math 1968-1996
Vicki A. Egli Science 1978; 1981
Diane F. Miller Elliott Special Education 1987-1994
Michael K. Elser, Music/Band 1974-1980
Marguerite E. Eisenhuth English 2010-present
Christopher M. Emory Science 2009-present
Charles E. Fahringer Math/Business Education 1959-1972; 1975-1986
Wayne Fausnaught History 1968-1971
Donna Featherstone Spanish/English 1964
Debra L. Fern Physical Education 2000-present
Kaye L. Finkenbinder Physical Education 1965
Harry S. Flickinger Vocational Math/Science 1959-1987
William F. Frazier, III 1977
Thomas A. Gallup Music/Chorus 1970-1978
Joseph H. Garrison Math 2007
Peggy L. Gast Math 1997-present
Gretchen F. Gaugler Special Education 1997
Doris J. Geringer English 1969
Mary Kay Glass Physical Education 1966-1969
Cathy S. Grow Special Education 1998-present
Jodi L. Gruver Home Economics 1990
Clarissa W. Hamblin Librarian 1959-1969
Gail E. Harris English 1969
David W. Hahn History 1972-1987; 1992-2007
Donald R. Hare Math 1959-1962
Patrice M. Manners Tanner Harriger Science 1975-2008
Stephanie R. Myers Harris English 1997-2001
William S. Hartman Science/Industrial Arts 1960-1969
Janet D. Hause History 1959-1963
Carole S. Heckel Guidance 1985
Laura L. Hensler 2004
Valerie Herbst Physical Education 1976-1977
William E. Higgins Jr. History 1963-1973
Tammy L. Hill 1990
J. Robert Hoffman Agriculture 1959-1972
Kipton S. Hoffman Science 2005-present
W. Scott Hoffman History 1997-present
Rudolph V. Holtzman English/French/Spanish 1959
Nancy B. Holtzman Business Education 1959-1961; 1971-1996
David M. Hontz Industrial Arts 1980-1985; 1992-2005
Marguerite B. Hontz Physical Education 1960-1969
Robert M. Hontz Guidance 1959-1964
Vickie A. Hort English 1978-1979
Susan M. Houseknecht Librarian 1986-1987
Ronald D. Houseknecht Math 1974-1999
James F. Houser Guidance 1998-present
Richard L. Houtz, Sr. Physical Education 1971-1978
Brian S. Hoyt Math 1988-1989
Bryan R. James Math 1992-1996
Stephanie E. Jarrett Spanish 1997-present
William A. Jordan Jr. Physical Education 1964-1969
Christine M. Kandra 2001
Lisa R. Keiser Nurse 2007-present
Rodney T. Keiser Industrial Arts 1989-present
Ed R. Ker Vocational Agriculture 1961-1963
Courtney L. Kerr English 2008-present
Robert E. King Science 1959-1974
Carl F. Kirk Physical Education 1970
Daniel J. Klementik Latin/English 1963-1965
Linda L. Kline Math 1964-1969
Kathryn E. Klingman English 1959-1970
Bernard Klopp English 1967-1968
Harold F. Koons Music/Band 1959-1967
Mara L. Kopitsky English 1998-2003
Terry L. Kordes History 1973-1974
Charles L. Kormanski English 1963-1964
Steven M. Kreger Music/Band 1986-1994
Charles A. Kyle Math 1977-present
William H. Lane Science 1973-1978
William E. Langan History 1972
Sara Ellen Laubach Business Education 1959-1974
Lester E. Lee Vocational English/Geography 1959-1980
Elizabeth B. Lengle Home Economics 1974-1990
Doris B. Lesher English 1963-1966
Fred D. Levan Science 1959-1961
Terry B. Mantle History/Special Education 1975-2001
Mark D. Marino History 2008-present
Trisha I. Marino Special Education 2002-present
Harry C. Mathias History 1964-1996
Connie Mausteller Music 1969
John T. McAndrew Guidance/English 1984-present
Frances M. McCormick Reading 1962
Carol Ann McGee Reading 1975-1976
Linda M. McGough Physical Education/Health 1970-1999
James E. McKelvey Industrial Arts 1959
Edward S. McPherrin, Jr. Physical Education 1979-present
Douglas R. McRoberts Science 1970-2007
Cynthia L. Melone English 1984
Michelle P. Mendler 2001-2004
Calvin W. Menges History 1959-1969
Cyril F. Menges English/Special Education 1959-1969
S. Lee Menges Vocational History/Math 1959-1968
Randall D. Metzger Special Education 1993-present
Ronald E. Meyer Spanish/Engish 1965-1981; 1986-1995
Patricia A. Michael 1999
George B. Miller Business Education 1970-1982
Marilouise Miller Music 1968
Frank A. Miriello Physical Education 1976-1978
Elaine M. Moody 2004
Becky R. Morgan Home Economics 1979-1981
Hilda K. Morgan Math 1973-1975
Donald J. Morgis English 1961
Lynn G. Moyer English 1969-1972
Marie H. Mutschler Business Education 1963-1972
Florence M. Mutschler Physical Education/Guidance 1959-1972
Kevin W. Myers Music/Chorus 2004-present
Richard T. Nornhold History 1990-present
Jessica U. Oberlin Librarian 2010-present
Robert E. Ocker Physical Education 1969
Tammy J.S. Osenga Special Education 2010-present
Larry W. Osman Industrial Arts 1961-1992
Robert C. Ott Driver Education 1961-1966
Sallyann Pany 1984-1985
Hilda Parker Art 1967-1969
Daniel M. Paulnock English 1966
Connie J. Pawling Young Music/Chorus 1983-2003
Brad W. Peace Science 1998-present
Diane L. Peeling English 1994
Doris M. Pick Nurse 1980-1990
Leona D. Poust Business Education 1962
James B. Powell Music/Chorus 1960-1969
Theresa E. Proctor Bartholomew French 2006-present
Janet E. Pursel English 1969-1970
Beatrice A. Redfern French/English 1963-1999
Joyce R. Redka Home Economics 1975-1978
Kay M. Rhinehart Librarian 1988-2009
Saundra D. Robbins 1983-1984
James D. Robison, Jr. History 1988-1995
Roy R. Romberger Vocational Agriculture 1959-1960
Ruth B. Royer Home Economics 1959-1973
S. Kathleen Rung Math 1972-1976
Thomas R. Ryan History 1966-1967
Joel S. Ryder Art 2010-present
Linda R. Saner English/Spanish 1982-present
Peggy J. Schmouder French 1995
Dale E. Schooley Special Education 1973-1993
William A. Scott Health 1972
Brian C. Shaffer History 2000-present
Hugh J. Sharpe Reading 1964-1965
Geraldine S. Sheffer Home Economics 1959-1967
Constance J. Shellenberger Guidance 1995-2002
Melissa J. Shrawder Special Education 1998
Jane K. Shuman Nurse 1959-1964; 1968-1969; 1971-1972
Candace M. Rawley Simonini 2003-2004
Nancy S. Slease English 1977-1985
Richard E. Smith Music/Band 1968-1973
Wayne D. Smythe Business Education 1973-2008
Coleen D. Snover Math 2010-present
Robert L. Soles Agriculture 1973
Gerard A. Solomon History 1975
Louise Sommers English 1968
Judith L. Stahl Math 1970-1972
Jack R. Steinbach Physical Education 1980-1981; 2001-2008
Sheldon Sumner History 1980
Wanda Sue McKee Sumner Physical Education 1978-present
Brett C. Stamm Special Education 1994-1997
Jimmy D. Stephenson Physical Education 1979
Amy L. Liberatore Swartz English 1998-present
Jerry J. Swope Physical Education 1967-1968
Katharine A. Swope English 1973-1983; 1985-1996
Megan R. Taylor English 2010-present
Paula R. Taylor 1990
Mark E. Temple History 1988-1989
Robert A. Thackara Math 1973
Mary Lee Thomas Spanish/English 1961-1963
John C. Tini Science 1977
Mary L. Tennant 1982
Martha I. Toy English 1973-2007
Catherine A. Traister 1991
John H. Trojanowski Physical Education/English 1962; 1964
Marlin K. Troutman Art 1959-1996
Melissa A. Turner English 2008-2009
Jan S. Turzanski Industrial Arts 1993-present
Julie C. Tyson 2006
James R. Ulrich Science 2001-present
Jennifer L. Vest Business 2009-present
Christine Vicars 1999
Jeffrey Ward Health/Driver Education 1968-1971
Joseph B. Warner French/English 1959-1963
Janet D. Watts Business Education 1983-2000
Deborah K. Waughen Home Economics 1991-present
Amy M. Weaver Math 2000-2007
Nancy F. Webb English 1965
Judith E. Weisbrod Math 1969
Timothy W. Welliver History 1997-2004
Ted Wentz History 1968
Keirsha N. Whitehead Special Education 2000-present
Thomas R. Williams Science 1991-2000 check and see if he was here in 1989
F. Pierce Wilson History 1988-1989; 1992-1995; 2006-2007
Alissa D. Wolfe History 2008-present
Mark A. Woodland Industrial Arts 1965-1988
Robert M. Workman Music/Chorus & Band 1959-1969
Frank W. Wright Art 1995
Ruby J. Young Latin/English 1959-1963
Amy L. Zartman Guidance 2005; 2007-2008
Donald P. Zeisloft Vocational Agriculture 1964
Last Modified: 04.11.12
July 11th, 2010 at 3:11 pm
M Aurand – homeec
T Bartholomew – french see tproctor
A beckley-health/ physed – sub
m biddle-English sub
N Butler-health/pe
w cotner-math
l coup-spec ed
t dreese – math
c dufrene- math
k eck -guidance
v egli- science sub
m eisenhuth-eng
c emory-science
j garrison-math
c heckel-guidance sub
v hort-english
c kerr-english
m kopitsky-english
m marino- history
c melone- english
j oberlin-librarian
t osunga-spec ed
t proctor-bartholomew’s maiden name above
j ryder- art
m shrawder sp ed
c snover – math
s sumner -history sub
m taylor- english
m turner- english
j vest- business
k whitehead -sp ed
a wolfe- history
Jim, hope that helps where it says sub it was a long term sub. some of the others I remember the name but can’t remember what they taught. Where’s Jack Zeigler when u need him? Maybe you can intercede there!!!
Comment by James Robison: Sarah ~ Thank you very much for your help. Some of these I should remember but don’t either. I will see what I can do about the interceding, but at this point I will continue to be grateful to you for your help and thankful to anyone else who can fill in the missing subject matter for the following facutly: Jenna Brown, Joanne Chiavaroli, Laura Hensler, William Frazier, Tammy Hill, Christine Kandra, Michelle Mendler, Patricia Michael, Elaine Moody, Saundra Robbins, Paula Taylor, Mary Tennant, Catherine Traister, Julie Tyson, and Christine Vicars
June 21st, 2011 at 3:31 pm
I enjoyed my years at Warrior Run. The people were great and made many friends. The years have gone by rapidly. I left there in 1967 for a Bible College position in TN. God Bless.
December 16th, 2012 at 3:23 pm
This is a great job compiling the information. I actually taught at Warrior Run from 1966-70 ;1972-1999. Thanks
Comment by James Robison: Just a point of clarification, the years listed are for time taught at the high school level. Unfortunately, it is difficult to discover information concerning all the teachers and other employees throughout the school district including the middle school and elementary schools.
September 9th, 2015 at 2:38 pm
Jim, do you have any info on who served on the WR school board from the beginning of the jointure up to the present?
Comment by James Robison: Jean, I have a list from the beginning until 2013 will hopefully update the last 2 years in the next month or so
June 25th, 2023 at 10:32 am
I taught 2nd grade at the Watsontown Elementary School from 1979-1989.
Mindy 1988 and Wendy 1989 graduated from Warrior Run HS. Kelly finished sixth grade before we moved.