World War II
February 13th, 2012
WORLD WAR II (1941-45)
Following World War I, difficulties and struggles led to the rise of Adolph Hitler as leader of Germany and the world found itself aligning with either the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) or the Allies (England, France, United States). A number of events increased the tension between these two factions until Hitler’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939 which officially began open conflict and war. The United States entered the conflict after Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The majority of fighting took place in the European theater or the Pacific theater. The European campaign ended with Germany’s unconditional surrender on May 8, 1945 following the fall of Berlin while the Pacific campaign ended on September 2, 1945 after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.
In 1949 the ladies auxiliary of the Post arranged for a large stone with a plaque containing the names of the four people who lost their lives during World War I from Watsontown and the names of the fifteen people from this area who lost their lives during World War II to be placed in the Watsontown Park. Pink dogwood trees were planted in a semi-circle around the stone. The names on the plaque for World War II were Elmer Beck, C. John Christenson, Carroll Dickerman, Earl Dutrow, Schuyler Frey, Paul Gardner, William Grey, Montgomery Slifer, Roy Watson McWilliams, Harvey Huff, Emory High, Allen Schell, John R. Thomas, Kenneth B. Smith and Hurley Mausteller.
As in World War I, news of the war was reported through the local newspapers and The Milton Standard carried a section entitled “Our Men and Women in the Armed Forces.” In preparation to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the ending of World War II, George W. McCormick of the Clyde F. Mowrer Post gleaned 705 names of individuals listed in that column from January 1942 until after the war in August 1945 who were from the Watsontown area including Allenwood, Dewart, McEwensville, Delaware Township, and White Deer areas. The following names were published in The Milton Standard on July 31, 1995 as a tribute to the service and sacrifice these men and women made to their country (a number of people who’s last name began with the letter B were missing from the news article, but using George McCormick’s original transcript they have been included with the following):
Paul R. Achenbach Thomas Albright Merrill Auker Russell Aunkst
Walter G. Adams Torrence Allison Paul Auker Wilson B. Aunkst
Ashabel Ahern Albert Appleman Spessard Auker Harvey G. Auten
James W. Aikey Ralph L. Ardary David F. Aunkst John Auten
George W. Albertson Grant Arnold Lee Aunkst
Elwood Albright William J. Arter Lester D. Aunkst
Alfred Bachman Wallace M. Barr Ralph Baylor Ivan Benfer
Merrill R. Bachman William J. Barrett Arthur L. Baysore Stanley Benscoter
Violet B. Bair Olan E. Barto Charles Beck Blaine Berger
Leroy Peace Baker Clarence R. Bastian Elmer S. Beck* Irvin R. Berger
Paul A. Baker Harold H. Bastian Harold Beisel Helen Berkenstock
William F. Barnwell Robert A. Batdorf Alvin F. Benfer Mark Berkenstock
Herbert S. Barr H. Daniel Baylor Henry K. Benfer Dale M. Betts
George Callenberger, Jr. Melvin B. Confer William M. Cooner Elmer F. Crawford
Harry Carson Arley M. Conner Frank B. Cooper* Merrill L. Crawford
Reid W. Cechman Harmon O. Conner Carl Cotner Richard Crawford
C. John Christensen* Kenneth C. Conner Frank Cotner William E. Crawford
Robert A. Christensen L. Eugene Connor Orville Cotner Earl D. Cromley
Henry M. Clark Joseph F. Conrad* Ralph W. Cotner Max Cronrath
Paul Clark Ralph E. Conrad Thurman McC. Cotner William W. Cronrath
Woodrow Clark Russell J. Conrad David J. Coup Oliver E. Culp
William Coates William L. Conrad Cleon O. Crawford Albert Cunningham
Donald M. Conard Ned C. Cook Clyde E. Crawford
Edgar M. Datesman Sam Derr William H. Dietz Willis Dreisbach
Harry Dauberman H. Eugene Dewald Richard W. Diggan Robert Drick
Charles B. Dawson, Jr. Carroll H. Dickerman* William R. Diggan Charles H. Dugan
Albert DeGregory Fred Dickerman Fred Dingle Luther H. Dunkle
Carroll H. Deitrick Ray W. Dieffenbach Jesse Ditzler Luther Dunkle
Eugene Dempsey Woods Dieffenbach Robert G. Ditzler Earl Dutrow*
Charles E. Denoskey Frank M. Diehl Edward Doebler Fred Dutrow
George Dentler John E. Diehl Graydon Doebler David D. Dye
F.S. Derr Robert Diehl Kenneth Doebler
Anthony Eckstein Gerald L. Elliott Malcolm Ellis Guy I. Erdley
Robert Eder Harley E. Elliott William P. Enterline Warren S. Erdley
Arthur E. Elliott Harold Elliott* Charles L. Erdley Robert Eyster
George S. Fairchild Fred Fisher Otho L. Folk Lee French
Kenneth Fairchild Glenn Fisher Clarence T. Folkrod Frank M. Fretz
Ned D. Fairchild James Fisher, Jr. Joseph Foresman David P. Frey
Harold E. Falls Lewis L. Fisher Edgar D. Foust Harry J. Frey
Arley Farley Raymond Fisher Harold E. Foust Murray Frey
Arthur Farley William Fisher Max Foust Schuyler Frey*
Robert J. Farrell* James S. Fitzpatrick Harry W. Fox Harold D. Fritz
C. Francis Fegley Charles H. Fogelman Elwood B. Frantz James Fry
Robert F. Finnerty Thomas W. Fogelman Harry E. Frantz Robert S. Fryer
Austin Fisher A.H. Folk Bruce Frederick William Fuller
Carl Fisher Emory A. Folk Charles W. Frederick
Dale R. Fisher Harold D. Folk George A. Frederick
Franklin R. Fisher Merrill W. Folk William C. Frederick
John E. Gast John Gerth James Gray Earl L. Gresh, Jr.
John Gaston John B. Glenn Robert W. Gray William Gresh
Paul W. Gardner* Erma Gold Sarah Gray Reber L. Groover
James L. Garthwaite George L. Gold William K. Gray* Donald O. Gross
Emerson Gauger Jacob D. Gold Kenneth W. Greiff Leroy Gruver
H.S. Gautsch Scott Gold Robert Greninger Sidney Gudykunst
Harold S. Gehrer Wilbur Gold Betty Gresh
Martin L. Haas Robert E. Harpster Robert E. Hile Leon O. Huff
F.J. Hackenburg Chester C. Harris Fred Hill Millard Huff
Byron Hafer Edwin P. Harrison Ralph A. Hill Raymond A. Huff
Keith W. Hafer Ira W. Hartley William A. Hilliard Sherman W. Huff
Stanley H. Hafer Charles L. Hartranft Herbert H. Hillsey, Jr. Starrett “Jim” Huff*
Wilmer Hagenbuch Charles L. Harvey Thomas J. Hillsey Walter J. Huff
William V. Hagey Leo F. Harvey Roy A. Hoey Wells R. Huff
Henry A. Hall Lloyd F. Hauck George E. Hoffman William L. Huff
Clifton Hans John C. Haught Herbert H. Hoffman E.A. Huffman
Frank L. Hans Calvin E. Haupt Morris V. Hoffman Norman Huffman
Freeman Hans Harold Hause Richard E. Hoffman P. Richard Huffman
Harvey Hans Norman Hause Guy House Romaine Huffman
John J. Hans Donald Hawley Gladys M. Houtz Lloyd R. Hulsizer
Oscar Hans Harold Heckman William W. Hudgens Edward E. Hursh
Ralph Hans George Heintzelman Cloyd V. Huff Fred Huther
Donald Harding Guy Herald Fred A. Huff
James L. Harmon, Jr. Paul E. Herald Harvey C. Huff*
John E. Harpster Emery M. High* Laird Huff
H. Stanley Jamison Beryl Johnson James L. Johnson Harold Jones
Leroy Joe Frank N. Johnson Frank Jones, Jr. Walter June
Robert W. Joe
Dr. Richard C. Kaar Earl Kilgus Donald Koch Woods C. Kramer
Franklin F. Kear Nile D. Kilgus Floyd C. Koch John V. Krisher
Martin R. Keefer Eugene King Howard A. Koch John P. Kuhn
Sidney Keefer Floyd F. King Millard Koch Charles E. Kurtz
J. Wayne Keiser James M. King Ned Koch Clarence Kurtz, Jr.
Malburn Keiter Paul P. Klapp Ward Koch Elwood Kurtz
Raymond E. Kelly Reid S. Kling Earl Koser, Jr. Robert H. Kurtz, Jr.
Eugene G. Kemble William S. Kling George E. Kramer, Jr.
Galen R. Kemble Ray H. Knouse Vera E. Kramer
Donald R. Laidacker Edward F. Leech Oscar C. Lindencamp Harvey Lupold
Fred Laidacker R. James Leech E. John Long Russell Lupold
George E. Laidacker, Jr. John W. Lehman John Long Richard M. Lyons
Maurice Laidacker Kent Leinbach Paul Robert Long Robert L. Lyons
Nevin Laidacker Clair Levan Charles H. Lose Lawrence Lynch
Paul W. Laidacker Herman Levan Dell Roy Love Raymond Lynch
Robert Laidacker Mark Roy Levan Samuel L. Lucas Walter Lynn
A.R. Leech Fred E. Lindauer Allen B. Lupold
Cloyd Leech Lawrence Lindauer Forrest W. Lupold
Rennert K. Mack Harold E. McCollin William McWright Claude J. Moore
Robert Magill George McCollum Robert Meek Doyle E. Moore
John W. Mangel Ross McConnell Calvin W. Menges Robert C. Moore
Harold Manning Charles McCormick William Messinger John Morrison
Paul Markel Charles Lee McCormick William H. Middlesworth Ned Morrison
Robert W. Marshall Clifford W. McCormick Charles F. Miller Neil Morrison
Donald E. Martin Cyrus H. McCormick Charles L. Miller Floyd Moser
Joseph K. Martin Rev. Frank McCormick Harold J. Miller Harold L. Moser
Earl Mausteller Fred S. McCormick, Jr. John E. Miller Harold M. Moser
Elmer S. Mausteller George W. McCormick Kenneth R. Miller John Wilson Moser
Frank W. Mausteller John A. McCormick Melvin M. Miller S. Morris Moser
Harry Mausteller Keith E. McCormick Ned F. Miller William K. Moser
Hurley Mausteller* Paul McCormick Paul Miller Fred Muffly
Lake A. Maxfield Raymond McCormick Ralph L. Miller Elwood A. Muffly
George McBryan William McCormick Walter L. Miller Dale H. Murray
Lawrence D. McBryan James M. McFarland William F. Miller Domer L. Murray
Max McBryan John Zaner McFarland Fred Mincemoyer Franklin P. Murray
Robert G. McBryan Clarence E. McHenry Paul Mincemoyer Roy A. Murray
Thomas McBryan James M. McKee Walter Mitman Wilbur L. Murray*
James W. McClain Marlin E. McKee Richard W. Monroe Walter Myers
Kenneth E. McClintock Walter G. McMillen James M. Montgomery, Jr. Willard E. Myers
Thomas M. McClintock Eugene E. McVicker Oliver P. Montgomery
William R. McClintock Robert C. McVicker Elwood B. Moon
Douglas McCollin R. Watson McWilliams* Byron Moore
Dale Neitz Ray Newton Dora Nicholas Robert A. Nicholas
Robert Newberry
Charles A. Oakes
Thomas E. Pardoe Edwin P. Payne James E. Phillips Dale Prowant
John H. Parsons Dr. Amos V. Persing Leonard Phillips Elwood Prowant
Barton Patterson W.G. Person William Phillips Harry Prowant
Benjamin Max Patterson Earl L. Persun Austin Larue Plotts, Jr. M. Lake Prowant
Kenneth Patton Luther Pfleegor Earl William Plotts Pierran Prowant
Howard Pauling Ellis F. Phillips Frank Plotts Charles A. Pursel
Louis E. Pauling Floyd Phillips Marlin L. Plymette William F. Pursell
Robert M. Pauling Frank Phillips James A. Prebble
Edward F. Rabe, Jr. Carroll H. Raup Donald L. Reitmeyer Calvin Robbins
Norman L. Rake, Jr. Donald E. Raup Joe Reitmeyer Paul R. Rockey
William Ramesch Lloyd Raup Richard L. Reynolds William Rombach
Betty L. Ranck Paul R. Raup Roy A. Reynolds LaRue Rowe
Charles L. Ranck Roy W. Raup Laurence E. Rhone Charlotte Russell
Clement H. Ranck Victor A. Raup Maurice C. Rhone Harris Russell
Donald W. Ranck Virginia Raup Randall R. Rickert Willard Russell, Jr.
Elwood R. Ranck John Ravert William M. Rickert Neal Ryan
George Ranck Robert Ravert Gordon E. Ritter Ray K. Ryan
Jane H. Ranck Charles Reaser, Jr. John Ritter Myron H. Ryder
Marlin G. Ranck John Redcay Lee Ritter
Robert Rathburn William Redcay Wilbur Ritter, Jr.
W.L. Rathburn Ralph Reibsome William Ritter
James W. Sampsell Glenn W. Shell Montgomery Slifer* Lester J. Stahlnecker
Milford J. Sampsell Raymond Shell Ambrose Smith Merrill A. Starr
Warren Sampsell Arthur H. Sherman Amos B. Smith John R. Steele
Jesse J. Sandel Warren E. Sherwood Asa P. Smith Robert Stanley Steele
Clarence Schaefer John W. Shireman Clair J. Smith* Paul O. Stenninger
Clifford I. Schaefer Rolland Shoemaker Donald K. Smith George N. Sterner
Russell W. Schaefer Thomas L. Shoemaker Harry D. Smith Hayes Sterner
Guy Schreck John W. Sholl Howard E. Smith Robert Sterner
Franklin J. Schultz George E. Showers Kenneth B. Smith* John L. Stevenson
George I. Sellers Kelley A. Showers Malcolm Smith Ivan S. Stiles
Fred Shade George Shreck William H. Smith Kenneth B. Stover
Desmond Shaffer Glenn Shuman John M. Snoddy Donald Strouse
Charles H. Shearer Harold L. Shuman Lehman J. Snyder Leo Swanger
James F. Sheatler Hunter Simpson Lewis E. Snyder Neil Swanger
Allen I. Shell* Stanley J. Slavey John P. Stager Robert B. Swope
Elmer H. Tanner John R. Thomas* Donald E. Tobias William W. Trick
E.B. Taylor Richard Thomas Jessie L. Travelpiece Harvey E. Troxell
Ray Taylor William L. Thomas Albert J. Trego Donald Truckenmiller
James F. Thomas Charles Tilson Jane Treon Edward N. “Ned” Tyson
Bowman J. Ulrich, Jr. James L. Ulrich Robert A. Ulrich Alexander Umstead
Fred M. Ulrich LaRue E. Ulrich
Allen R. Vognetz Robert Vognetz
Edmund F. Wagner John Waring Delmar L. Werner James A. Winters
F. Irvin Wagner Robert Waring Marvin R. Wertman Arthur Woernle
Franklin L. Wagner Thomas Waring William C. Wertman Frank D. Wolfe
Ned F. Wagner Lewis Watson William E. Wertman Boyd D. Wright
Paul Wagner Martha Watson George Wertz Clyde Richard Wright
William C. Wagner Frank D. Weaver Harry Wertz George H. Wright
John Walker Henry T. Weaver Donald Westley Jack Wright
Robert W. Walker James D. Weaver John W. Westley Jay Franklin Wright
William H. Walker John L. Weaver Oliver H. Wetten R. Judd Wright
Wylie Walker Joseph D. Weaver Kenneth A. Weyhard Richard G. Wright
Charles M. Walter Lloyd E. Weaver Fred G. Whitmoyer Robert Wright
Forrest Walter Charles L. Webb Robert Whitmoyer Samuel A. Wright
Paul J. Walter Harold “Jake” Weikel Elmer Wilbur
John Waltman, Jr. John Weller Wilbur C. Williams
Ned E. Waltman Sterling Wenner Herbert R. Winters
Glenn O. Yocum Hope Yoder Jack Yost Larue Young
Ned L. Yocum Max R. Yoder Larue Yost Lewis M. Young
Carl J. Yoder Paul T. Yoder William N. Yost Ned F. Young
Earl Yoder Robert Yoder George B. Young, Jr. Olan Young
Floyd N. Yoder Bernard Yost John A. Young William N. Young
George R. Zarr William M. Zarr Herbert E. Zettlemoyer William F. Zettlemoyer
John W. Zarr George Zettlemoyer John E. Zettlemoyer
Last Modified: 01.21.12
March 19th, 2012 at 3:20 pm
My father’s name should be included on this list Nathan Luther Hursh brother to Edward Hursh. Nathan born in White Deer and died in Watsontown at his home on Main Street in 1998
April 19th, 2012 at 2:12 pm
My father John E. Biddle, M.D. served in WWII from 1942 – 1945.
He was drafted at 36.
We were Watsontown residents.
May 15th, 2012 at 6:46 pm
Anne Biddle Tantum is correct, her dad was in the Tank Corps. He shared some about the war. He was our family Doctor and the team Doctor for Watsontown High School for many years. Me and my friends still talk about him.
September 5th, 2012 at 12:57 pm
John A. Hefty left for the Navy in 1944, signing up in Philadelphia.
That may be why he isn’t listed under Watsontown’s WWII veterans.
He would like to be listed.
September 9th, 2012 at 7:03 pm
Lawrence Fairchild, MD, grew up in Allenwood. His mother was Henrietta Childs, a teacher. Lawrence is my first cousin, and he was a psychiatrist in Colorado when he entered the service.
I wish his name was listed among your WWII veterans.
Also Thomas Evans was in the Navy, Clarence Buss was a Marine,and John A. Hefty was in the Navy, leaving from Philadelphia. That may explain why their names aren’t listed, they didn’t leave from Watsontown.
Thanks for adding these names. You’re doing a fine job of preserving history.
December 10th, 2016 at 9:34 pm
Milton A Bortz from McEwensville, PA was left off of the list, my father, thank you. Debra Bortz Michaels